

At 威尼斯人app下载 we support ongoing professional development of faculty.  这包括 hosting guest speakers and running workshops on a variety of topics.  我们还有 regularly scheduled focused 培训 events, such as those described below.


Would you like to submit a department or individual accomplishment for inclusion in an upcoming 学术事务 newsletter?  如果是,请访问我们的 提交页面.  Images for use in the newsletter should be emailed to 迈克尔.jackson@tanxiqiao.net.  Please include a caption and photo credit for the image.  如果有个人 in the picture, please include their names and information (e.g.,主要的).



每年 教务处 organizes workshops for the week prior to the beginning of the fall semester on a variety of topics of interest to faculty.  If you have suggestions for future workshops 或联系演讲嘉宾 迈克尔•杰克逊. 的 schedule for the 2023 Professional Development Week for 教师 and 工作人员 can 被发现 在这里.

Syllabus Template (Fall 2023 and Spring 2024)



Orientation for New 教师

Prior to the beginning of the fall semester the 教务处 runs a day-long 培训 session for new faculty members.  For more information contact 迈克尔•杰克逊.



Survival Kit for New NMT 教师 Members



Senate 教师发展 Committee

教师参议院 has a very active 教师发展 Committee, which organizes mentorship for new faculty and 培训 events every semester.  Events and activities for the upcoming year will be posted 在这里 at a later date. 

Canvas Training Opportunities for Spring 2024

Canvas Training Opportunities for Fall 2023

Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 Teaching Tea Time (Wednesdays, Noon - 1 pm, CITL, Speare 113; unless otherwise noted)

Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 教师 研究 Presentations,劳尔 & Shari Deju University House 

研究伦理@ NMT 系列


这 培训 is perfect for instructors who are new to 锁定浏览器和/or Respondus Monitor, or those who want a refresher on how to use these applications to ensure academic integrity during online exams. Training dates (September 13, 19, 26; October 5, 11), time, and registration for this and other sessions (e.g., Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams) can 被发现 在这里.

  • Updated Requirements from NSF: the 2024 Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide, Wednesday, March 13, noon - 1 pm, Speare 113 (CITL), Dr. 朱迪McShannon
  • 的 Technology Enhancement Fund (TEF): A cost share source, Wednesday, March 27, noon - 1 pm, Speare 113 (CITL), Dr. 朱迪McShannon

教师发展 Resources

A collection of useful resources on a variety of topics can 被发现 in our 教师发展 Resources Google Drive Folder.  Note: this material is only accessible from 威尼斯人app下载 authorized accounts. 的 material is also available upon request to 迈克尔•杰克逊 at 迈克尔.jackson@tanxiqiao.net

Other relevant faculty resource pages include:

威尼斯人app下载 学术诚信资源

Assessment of Student Learning at 威尼斯人app下载


NMT 教务日历 (includes most scheduled development activities)

特定于 2020-2021学年